Friday, January 6, 2012

Valencia looks to stimulate housing market

The regional government in Valencia, Spain, has set up a special commission to study ways in which the region can sell more homes to overseas property buyers.
Up until the crash, 23% of properties sold in Valencia went to buyers based abroad and the commission has been asked to look into new ways to stimulate demand from overseas investors.
“We have to find out where the housing stock is and who the potential buyers are,” Isabel Bonig, the Valencian minister responsible for housing told OPP. And it is an important market to get right … 30% of all properties sold to foreigners in Spain are from the Valencia region. Alicante is the most popular area with overseas investors.
The commission will include government officials as well as representatives from the legal side of the business and from the commercial sector. The local chamber of commerce will be involved, and it members will be asked how the area should stimulate demand and promote its real estate opportunities via websites and other types of marketing.

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